Carla Matias
Digital media

- What fact did you incorporate into your design? Why did this resonate with youyr and/or your design?
I added "1 in 10 adolescents report feeling socially isolated." this resonated with my design because people who are struggling with it usually feel like someone is always watching no matter what they do. when in reality there is no one staring it is mainly all taking place in the mind.
Out of the above list of learning targets for developing your photoshop skills did you incorporate into your design the most? How did this photoshop technique(skill) support the creation of your design?
I incorporated layer masks the most in my poster. It supported the poster the most because most of the edges of the images were softer than sharper. For the middle image, I used a softer brush to create softer edges. I think that the layer mask really helps bring out the images in my design.
What photoshop skills have you mastered at this point? Which ones would you like to practice more? What new skills are you interested in learning in the future?
I have mastered the layers. because I was able to figure out where I wanted the individual pictures to be and how I wanted them all to be placed.
How would you rate the overall success of your design and why?
I would give my poster a 2.5. I was able to incorporate a lot of things from the learning target but not in the way that I wanted to. I also had trouble figuring out where the placements would be.