Carla Matias
Digital media

Top Lighting


Side Lighting

Front Lighting

Hard lighting

Back lighting


Soft Lighting



Conclusion Questions
1. What are the overall strengths of your project?\
the overall strengths of my project would be able to capture lighting and knowing the positions that I was able to put my model in to get the specific lighting pattern.
2. What improvements could be made?
Some improvements that I could have done were I could have made her have different types of emotion and faces that aren't as common as regular pictures. I could have also made the pictures more clear instead of slightly blurry.
3. What did you learn about lighting patterns?
I learned that I am able to capture any photo and realize what type of lighting it is and how it is able to affect the type of emotion or the message the picture would say.
4. How did photographing an egg prepare you for photographing a classmate?
photographing an egg prepared me to photograph my classmate because it was able to remember the different lighting positions there was to get different shots and different patterns it would be able to show on their faces.
5. In what ways, were the two labs similar, and in what ways did the experiences differ?
ways that they were similar were that they were both being still and having the ability to change the lighting the same way to get the same effect.
6. Why is lighting important for a photographer to understand?
lighting is important because there would be one lighting that would look better on someone than another lighting would. Each lighting can have a different meaning on someone.
7. How will you incorporate lighting in your photography in the future?
I will incorporate lighting in my photographs by being able to have more pictures better than having most of them mainly being snapshots. When taking pictures that have more lighting patterns in them where it would seem better looking than having some snapshots that would be for more fun time. With lighting patterns that could be used as more memorable pictures with a pose and good lighting.